Home Birth Hack: Birth Stool

Need a Birthing Stool but don’t have one on hand?

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Whether you are a doula, a midwife, or birthing momma, there are times during labor when a momma just feels the urge to sit down to push her baby out. Toilet sitting can be great to open and lengthen the pelvic floor but not all moms feel comfortable laboring or birthing over the toilet ( though many love it!). Moving down into a deep squat is superb but it can be hard for some mommas to stay in a deep squat for any length of time. The birth stool is perfect for supporting a woman in a deep squat and opens the outlet of the pelvis. A Birth Stool is just what is needed to open the outlet of the pelvis for either labor progression or pushing.

There are really beautiful and cool birth stools to be found online but not everyone has access to those. Plus, some of them are PRICEY!! However, with just a few household items that most pregnant parents seem to have in their own homes, a great birth stool can be made.

Do you have a squatty potty? Great!

Do you have a Boppy? Great!

Do you have a chux pad in your Birth Kit? Great!

Put these things together as seen in the graphic below and you are set! Hope that this Hack Helps! Happy Birthing!

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